Herbal medicines  and products  though  underrated in certain climes. However it has proven solution  to completely eradicate most health  challenges. African traditional medicine is the oldest, and perhaps the most assorted, of all therapeutic systems. Africa is considered to be the cradle of mankind with a rich biological and cultural diversity marked by regional differences in healing practices.

With More than 5000 Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements from various producers and vendors in Nigeria for sale. Choose from best people and companies in Nigeria at best prices  on deliverymarket. Flush Out Stubborn Infections Like Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea, UTI, toilet infections e.t.c. Discover Most Effective Natural Herbal Remedy for  fertility in men and women, high blood pressure,  low sperm count, Watery  sperm, quick ejaculated, ulcer, pile, prostrate, diabetes herbal creams, soaps, bitters, cleansers, eye and ear problems, Typhoid and  Malaria, Fibroid, fat burners….

Our category of Herbal medicines  on deliverymarket from various vendors across Nigeria comprises of herbal supplements for the following  treatments;

Sexual performance,  infections problems, Typhoid and Malaria,  ulcer & worm medicines,  Teeth, Eye & Ear medicines. Fertility  issues,  Heart problems  & Stroke
Herbal anti poison drugs, Herbal bitters & Sugar reduction medicines, Herbal cleansers  & Alcoholic  bitters products, Herbal soaps & cream, immune  booster  & fat reduction medicines, Rheumatism & Athritis Herbal medicines, Pile Herbal medicines.

Traditional medicine has a long history. It is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.
Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished herbal products, that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, or other plant materials, or combinations. Live a healthy lifestyle from deliverymarket Herbal Vendors.

  • Cordy Active capsule(kedi)

    Cordy Active capsule(kedi)
    Indication: effective for treatment of Asthma, effective for alleviating cardiovascular diseases, effective of appetite, vitality, stamina and anti-aging.
    Dosage: see leaflet.
    Attachments area

  • Constilease capsule (kedi)

    Constilease capsule (kedi)
    Indication: Relieves chronic constipation, powerful anti-bacteria, helps to reduce acne, pigmentation and halitosis, prevents internal haemorrhoid (pile)
    Dosage: see leaflet.

  • Colon cleanser( herbal tea packet) (kedi)

    Colon cleanser( herbal tea packet) (kedi)
    Indication: Regulates bowel movement, eases stomach and intestinal peristalsis
    Effective for reliving occasional constipation.
    Promotes the body’s normal process of detoxification.
    Naturally promotes healthy digestion.
    Boosts appetite.
    Dosage: see leaflet.

  • Clean Point Yoni Pearls For Infections And Fibroids X12

    Clean Point Yoni Pearls For Infections And Fibroids X12
    Your are welcome to our store!!!!Are you experiencing Vagina looseness, Vagina Odour, Itching, Vagina Dryness, Cervical Erosion, Abnormal Discharge, yeast Infection, Bacterial Vaginosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), fibroid, Endometriosis, Tubal Blockage, Heavy Menstrual Cycles, and other gynecological diseases? Yoni Detox Pearls will cleanse your Vagina, making you achieve optimal Vaginal health.Yoni Detox Pearls are made from natural ingredients that have been used in traditional Asian medicine for more than 5000 years. They are 100% Organic and Natural Herbs. The ingredients have been carefully selected as they encourage the proper function of the reproductive organs and prevent the development of more serious gynecological illnesses. 3pcs of yoni Pearls is equivalent to 1 Cleanse. You may sometimes need more than 1 Cleanse depending on what exactly you want to treat. View our image slide above to see our Cleanse chart. With the Cleanse chart,
    you will be able to order correctly. If after checking the Cleanse Chart, you realize you will be needing more than 1 Cleanse, then increase your quantity to the total number of cleanse you want to order for. HOW TO USE IT: Wash your hands before removing the detox from the sealed package. Unravel strings from pearls & on your back with your knees to your chest. Take the longest finger you have (middle finger) and use it to push the first yoni pearls detox deeply into your vagina. Leave one Yoni Detox pearl in vagina for 48-72 hours (2-3 days), after 48-72 hours remove Yoni Detox Pearl Wear a pantyliner and allow the vagina to discharge toxins for the next 24-48 hours, wait 24 hours before inserting a new Yoni Detox Pearl Insert 2nd yoni Detox Pearl in vagina, keep in for 48-72 hours (2-3 days), wait 24 hours before inserting another detox pearl.. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for third Yoni Detox Pearl After you have chosen to stop your detox, remove pearl from vagina, wash with warm water some women may want to use their finger to take out discharge, tie a knot close to pearls for easy removal. If doing so please be careful not to scratch the inside of your vagina, we do advise you to wait for it to come out naturally this may happen over a period of 2-3 days. Not suitable for a pregnant woman and a virgin

  • Cello Q 10 capsule ( kedi)

    Cello Q 10 capsule ( kedi)
    Indication: Antioxidants: reducing high cholesterol levels in the blood.
    Improves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
    Helps to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.
    Improves neurological diseases.
    Useful for treatment of Parkinson’s diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer etc.
    Protects the organs from toxic chemotherapy drugs

  • Calmazine capsule ( kedi)

    Calmazine capsule ( kedi)
    Indication: improves strong bones and prevents osteoporosis.
    Vital for Normal growth and development, physical immunity, cell division and metabolism.
    Promotes heart, nerve, muscle functions and overall body health.
    100% daily value of calcium, magnesium and zinc.
    Reduces blood pressure, Regulates body weight and prevents hypertension, migraine etc.

  • Aichun Beauty penis enlargement cream

    Aichun Beauty Penis enlargement cream
    For men seeking a natural remedy to lengthen and grow their penis, or one Minute man that find difficulties in enjoying the excitement sex has to offer due to premature ejaculation and cannot tolerate the discomfort of wearing penis pump, this is you best bet. What is penis enlargement Cream? Penis Cream are topical methods for enhancing one’s manhood. This product proved its effectiveness and efficiency, with the ingredients directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the penis skin, which offers results in the long run. Why this product can help you achieved that desire length? This cream contains 95% active ingredients directly absorbs into the penile tissue of the body. Then, it increases the level of nitric oxide in the penis to allow more blood to flow towards it. As a result, the penis becomes firmer and experiences harder erection. Aside from enhancing the size of your member, the product will help you achieve better orgasms and totally eliminate premature ejaculation, giving you that needed self-confidence to satisfy your partner. Can solve sexual issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction Increases the girth of the penis and length Erections will be bigger, harder and will last longer Helps one achieve better orgasm and improved sex life Gives you a better control when to ejaculate, so you can last longer as you wish.


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